Saw “The Green Book” this Week

If you are a movie fan, you’ll know that The Green Book was nominated for many awards, and actually won the Oscar for Best Picture. Venetia and I went to see it last week.

I’m not actually a huge movie fan, and I’m quite picky about what I go to see. I didn’t have high hopes for The Green Book, as I thought it would be a bit of a downer, but I’m glad I took a chance on it, as I really enjoyed it.

It’s about a rough-around-the-edges Italian American guy who, because he is temporarily out of work, takes the job of driving a black musician on a tour of the Deep South back in the sixties. The Green Book in the title was a book that listed all the hotels where black people, or coloureds as they were called then, were allowed to stay. You can see why I thought it wouldn’t be much fun!

But although subject matter is serious, the widely different personalities of the two main characters made it hilariously funny, even while still disturbing. It is based on two real people who, according to the credits at the end, remained lifelong friends.

Really enjoyed The Green Book — see it if you can.